Monday, November 29, 2010

On Internet usage

My thought for people, who use internet at least once in a day, There used to be a time, if we want to know something we used to run to a library or to a friend to borrow a book (either we were not able to afford or buying it was a waste; one time use). But, now we can use Internet to search for information and get umpteen results… Are we using the best from Internet?

- Praveen A G E

Friday, November 19, 2010

From Rambo III

In the north, there are many caves, we'll travel through them.

It'll be safer. We go!

This cave leads to the "Valley of the Five Lions".

The Afghan King was asked to send 500 of his warriors into battle.

He sent only five. His greatest five, and they won.

He said, it's better to send five lions than 500 sheep.

- What do you think of this?

Rambo : I think the King was lucky.

Not sure if you guys have observed this conversation in the movie, it’s a kind of Out of the Box thinking…

Unforgettable Story from ‘Simple Truths’

Here is a short story from a book ‘Simple Truths’ :

The nest of young eagles hung on every word as the Master Eagle described his exploits. This was an important day for the eaglets.

They were preparing for their first solo flight from the nest. It was the confidence builder many of them needed to fulfill their destiny.

"How far can I travel?" asked one of the eaglets.
"How far can you see?" responded the Master Eagle.
"How high can I fly?" quizzed the young eaglet.
"How far can you stretch your wings?" asked the old eagle.
"How long can I fly?" the eaglet persisted.
"How far is the horizon?" the mentor rebounded.
"How much should I dream?" asked the eaglet.
"How much can you dream?" smiled the older, wiser eagle.
"How much can I achieve?" the young eagle continued.
"How much can you believe?" the old eagle challenged.

Frustrated by the banter, the young eagle demanded, "Why don't you answer my questions?"
"I did."

"Yes. But you answered them with questions."

"I answered them the best I could."
"But you're the Master Eagle. You're supposed to know everything. If you can't answer these questions, who can?"
"You." The old wise eagle reassured.
"Me? How?" the young eagle was confused.
"No one can tell you how high to fly or how much to dream. It's different for each eagle.

Only God and you know how far you'll go. No one on this earth knows your potential or what's in your heart. You alone will answer that.

The only thing that limits you is the edge of your imagination."

The young eagle puzzled by this asked, "What should I do?"

"Look to the horizon, spread your wings, and fly."

- Copyright 2001, Tom Reilly

Tom Reilly wrote this beautiful short story that I share in the Power of Attitude. I thought that it was an unforgettable way to communicate that our potential in life is only limited by our heart and our dreams.

Have a great and successful year ahead & FLY HIGH !!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pearls of Wisdom - to progress towards your career goals…

'Pearls of Wisdom' - to progress towards your career goals…

  • Be politely persistent
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions
  • Be self-motivated
  • Find time to do the things that energize you
  • Make better; don't make do
  • Find your uniqueness
  • Be scared, but do it anyway
  • Choose your boss - someone who cares about development
  • Sacrifice perfection in favour of empowering your team
  • Find a role model – a mentor to groom you and shape for your career.
  • The only way isn't up (sideways can be a great option)
  • If you do more than people expect of you, you have something in the bank when you ask for something in return.
  • Don't underestimate the importance of being able to work with other people.
  • Listen, listen, and listen - Before you ask
  • Always ask questions and always listen carefully.

And, last but not the least... remember Henry ford's quote - Chop your own wood and you warm yourself twice...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

On my way to be a....

Praveen A George Edwin asks everyone; does anyone know that there are so many people who are still being retrenched... So, many… Every day I see people around me leaving the company, because the company doesn't have work... When will this recession end?

Is it a call to become a job maker rather than a job seeker? There are lots of qualified and talented fellows out there. Never leave an option to start a new venture even if it is small. It is bit challenging to become an employer. Never invest too much and see great heights of profits till it is achieved. Keep in mind the harassment received so far from employers so far and create a new culture of mutual respect.

Let us join hands now to make a beginning…

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Managing Up things by Understanding...

A very long time ago, there lived the King of Kings in Persia. Every night for three years, he would take a virgin from the town, make her his wife, and then have her beheaded in the morning. He did this because of the betrayal he felt as a result of his first wife’s infidelity. After 3,000 such executions, he met and married Scheherazade.

On the night before she was due to be killed, Scheherazade began to tell the King a captivating story. Just before she reached the end, and just as she had gotten to the cliff-hanger, Scheherazade abruptly stopped. The mesmerised King, who eagerly wanted to hear the rest, asked her to continue. But Scheherazade said there wasn’t enough time since dawn was about to break, but vowed to finish the story the next day when it would become even more exciting.

And so the King kept Scheherazade alive as he eagerly anticipated what would happen next. But every night, Scheherazade would stop just before the end of the story, which made the King keep her alive for one more day. This continued for 1001 nights, by which time Scheherazade had become the Queen and had given birth to three of the King’s sons.

In this supposedly true story, famously called Arabian Nights, Scheherazade influenced the King in the same way you can influence your boss. That one way is summarised using one word: understanding. The more you understand your boss’s objectives, problems, and style, the easier it’ll be for you to get approval for any big ideas you’d like implemented.

Scheherazade understood the King’s objectives (to be entertained), his problems (feelings of betrayal), and style (storytelling). She combined an understanding of all three to get what she wanted. You can do the same thing.

Objectives: Find out your boss’s key performance indicators, and then link any proposed change to the achievement of those goals.

Problems: Discover what’s keeping you boss up at night and show how your solutions will help to solve those problems, rather than your own.

Style: If your boss is analytical, use numbers. If your boss is direct, don’t waffle. If your boss is expressive, tell stories.

Eventually, Scheherazade ruled the kingdom. So can you.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


A positive thought for your day, Change by Catherine Pulsifer
If you could change one thing in your life what would it be? A tough question for some people. For others they don't even have to think about it they know exactly what the change is. So lets look at why it is tough for some and why for others it is easier. A Tough question for some people. WHY? Change is sometimes threatening to us. It takes away the "known". We may be the type of person who likes routine, it is our security, and "change" may upset our routine, our security. The saddest thing for me is watching those who don't want to change, they resist the change, they put up barriers to try and stop change.

Our world is constantly changing, has been for years and will continue in the years to come. Heraclitus was a Greek Philosopher and lived during 500 B.C.. He is quoted as saying, "There is nothing permanent except change." That was written many years ago and now here we are entering the millennium and change seems to be much faster today. One of the major contributors to our faster pace change is technology. Take the Internet for example, look at the information available to us. Look at how fast we can access the information we need. I remember when I was doing research for university, (before I had access to the Internet). I would go to the library, look up reference books, locate the books and easily spend the day combing through the books looking for the specific information I needed. Today, I sign on to the Internet, do a search for the specific information I need and in seconds have tons of information. I can then go the sites and print the info I need. It has cut my time in half (if not more!), plus it has given me a much wider range of information. Many times when I used the library, I had to order a specific book I wanted and then wait a week or longer for the book to arrive. Using the Internet I have access to world wide information.

Technology is changing our lives in many different ways! Everything from faster more efficient ways of doing business to lowering the cost of goods by eliminating the middle man. It is eliminating some jobs, however, creating new opportunities.

Resisting change in your life wastes valuable energy. When people focus on stopping the change rather than being open and trying to understand the change they are missing opportunities. In every change there is a positive effect. At the time when the change occurs we sometimes cannot see the positive, but if we focus and really look for it is there. Resisting change can lead to job joss, to marriage break ups, to friendships lost, to financial challenges. Just imagine what our world would be like if change did not occur.

For others they don't even have to think about it, they know exactly the change they would make.

For those who know the change you would make, my question to you is "what are you doing to make it happen." Wishing for something will never make it happen. But setting goals and taking action will make your change happen. We have all heard the saying, "Some people go their grave with their music still in them." They have had a dream but never did anything to make that dream come true. If you answered the question, "what would the one thing you would like to change", but have done nothing to change it, start to do something. Break down the change into steps, set time frames for yourself and start taking steps to make that change a reality.

Don't let others change your life, be your own change agent and implement the changes you want! And if an unexpected change occurs in your life, find the positive in it. Rather than wasting your energy and wasting your time, focus on the positive, in some cases search for the positive - there is opportunity in every change.

Let change be your friend!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Attitude at work

As they say, it’s all in your mind. So, having the right attitude can help you scale the success ladder. Shubha Subbaraman explores

Broadly speaking, there are four kinds of employees: (1) The over enthusiastic ones, who think they can bring about a revolution overnight (2) Those who look at corporates as a doomed entity with no redemption whatsoever (3) the I-don’t-care kind and finally (4) those who perceive every situation objectively and are constructive in their actions.

Unfortunately, no matter how efficient you are, if you don’t have the right approach towards the job, the results will be evident. Each employee has his/her stance about several aspects of their career and job in particular. Thus, the key to success begins with the realisation that everything is a matter of attitude, and thus, having the right attitude can really work wonders for your career.


Adopting an extreme approach all the time is unacceptable, states Praveena Parikh, who works as an inhouse counsellor with a leading KPO, “Irrespective of whether your bent is positive or negative, its important to strike the balance.” For example, some people make tall claims of what they can do, but their achievement is null. On the other hand, there are others who accept every situation the way it is. If you look at it objectively, neither of the two is actually productive.


Employees with the right kind of attitude can help take the company to the next level. However, by right attitude we do not imply positivity alone. It’s fair on the part of the employee to feel let down or unhappy about a particular instance or situation. But venting that anger or disappointment in the most appropriate manner, or more importantly, in a productive manner is what matters, adds Parikh.


The attitude of an employee is one of the key attributes that is evaluated during the recruitment process. When it comes to recruitment, the attitude of an employee and his/her belief in oneself has as much to do as his/her core abilities and skill sets, explains HR executive Narayani Shastri, “For example, very often we have candidates who think they are in control of technically every situation. Their confidence levels appear to be at its peak. Self confidence is important, but over confidence can be a disaster as such candidates are difficult to mould. They come with a mindset and stick to it.”

Elaborating on this, Parikh, feels, “The learning curve is limited in such cases, and ego clashes are quite common, thus stimulating negativity among team members.”


Start positive:
To begin with, start with a positive attitude towards your job and your colleagues/ supervisor. Be open to ideas, and ready to expect change as well as accept change in its varied forms.

Opinion matters: It’s best to form your own opinion/s about people/situations rather than following the herd mentality; but before you do so, remember to assess the situation objectively.

Be constructive: As Ravi Patel, who works as a Manager, HR (Initiatives for employee welfare) with a BPO, explains, “Constructive feedback is always a boon. Therefore for any problems you may be facing, it’s best to approach the concerned people and get it sorted rather than crib over it. Unlike popular belief, the job of the HR team is not just to support the requirements of the management. Happy employees are an asset to the company, and therefore, one of their key roles of HR is to ensure that employees are satisfied and their grievances are addressed appropriately.’’

Resist negativity: No matter how much you want to shun it, you cannot escape negativity. It’s all around you. Therefore, it’s important to resist it for your own benefit. For example, when you hear something negative from a colleague or friend, understand that you may be getting only one aspect of the whole situation. The other side of the bread could also be buttered. Therefore, be your own judge.

Break free: Humour and enthusiasm are two key elements that can always keep energy levels high. Try to find humour even in hostile situations. It’s not all that difficult; there is humour in every situation. However, whether you identify it or not defines the kind of person you are. Sometimes you may have to dig deeper, but it’s worth the effort for it keeps you going.


- Education times (TOI) 25th Jan, 2010.